Product Backlog Management is the act of adjusting and ordering items on the Product Backlog so that the Scrum Team can deliver the most valuable product possible. A Product Owner is accountable for managing the Product Backlog and deciding on what work to pursue now, later or not at all.
The Product Owner should ensure that the backlog is ordered appropriately and up-to-date, so that it:

  • Increases transparency and the shared understanding of the work that needs to be done to improve the product;
  • Sets clear expectations with stakeholders about what is included in the Product Backlog and what is not;
  • Focuses the Scrum Team’s development efforts on delivering the next most important items of value;
  • Aligns the team on a shared Product Goal which is a step toward the product vision;
  • Minimises the time wasted focusing on items that are considered to be of low importance;

Product Backlog Management involves creating, refining, and ordering the Product Backlog.
The following activities are different types of work that are involved in Product Backlog Management and Refinement:

  • Formulating a Product Goal;
  • Deciding on what to include and not include;
  • Ordering the Product Backlog;
  • Adding more information to PBIs as more information is uncovered;
  • Breaking down Product Backlog items;
  • Sizing Product Backlog items.